God's Mythology

Once upon a time, when all things did not exist, God existed in the world. God has an incomparable power, the ultimate power that all things in the future cannot match. He made everything: the earth, the mountains, the rivers, the sea, the rain, the sun. God gave birth to everything: humans, plants, animals... From the sun, the moon, the stars in the sky to the sky. Everything on earth is created by God.

The eyes of God are very sharp, understanding and aware of everything that happens in the world. God is the father of all things, considering all things, rewarding and punishing no one. Therefore, people believe in God's religion, rely on God, think that Heaven was born, God takes care of him, and when he dies, he returns to worship God.

God also has a wife, called Mrs. God, and every time the two of them quarrel, it is raining and sunny. Every time God is angry because of the sins that humans have caused in the world, God will bring down natural disasters, storms, floods, droughts...

The Jiangshan of God is nine heavens from the ground to the top of the sky, and the place that borders the earth is the horizon. God is invisible, does not speak, but people believe that God is present everywhere, no one escapes the net of God, everything is determined by God.

The God of Vietnam in ancient times was also called the Jade Emperor since Chinese culture spilled over to Taoism.

Due to the influence of the latter, it is believed that the Jade Emperor is in the highest heaven, the first God who created mankind. The Jade Emperor used clay to mold the body, dried it in the sun, suddenly a heavy rain fell, and hurriedly took the statues away, but a few statues could not be retrieved in time and were damaged by rainwater. The damaged statues turned into disabled people on the ground, and the removed statues turned into healthy people with full limbs.

The Jade Emperor was in a palace similar to the palace the king had imitated under the ceiling. At the door of the shrine, there is a god in armor holding a staff to hold the door. The Jade Emperor held a court meeting here, the court was no different from that in the lower world, there were civil servants, generals, ie gods of the heavens, the army of the Gods to punish the rebellious gods. Ngoc Hoang also has a family, a wife, and children.

The Jade Emperor's wife is the Western Queen Mother, in Kunlun mountain, the world of fairies, along with a herd of fairies. the Western Queen Mother has a garden of Peach, the fruit ripens once every three thousand years, when eaten, it is immortal, often used to prepare feasts for the gods in the sky. The Western Queen Mother is a woman of great beauty, with three blue birds specializing in finding food for the Queen Mother, turning into a flock of beautiful maidens.

The Jade Emperor  always wears the imperial uniform, a shirt embroidered with a golden dragon, a hat with red tassels leading thirteen five-colored pearls. The Jade Emperor usually sits on a throne to touch a dragon every time he attends a court meeting, deals with things in heaven or on earth. On the left and right side of the Jade Emperor, there are gods of heaven waiting to be ordered by the Jade Emperor.

The heavens are divided into nine levels, some say thirty-three, and the gods are more or less related to each other according to their titles and relationships. Jade Emperor is the highest rank, in the first floor.
