The God of Wind

The God of Wind is an odd shape. He has no head. His treasure is a kind of magical fan and he will use it to make a small wind or a big storm, long or fast depending on the order of the Jade Emperor. The times when the god of wind cooperates with the god of rain, sometimes even the god of lightning works together, is the scariest time. The god of wind likes to come down to the earth to hang out in the evenings, that's when a whirlwind emerges in the middle of the plains. People often call it the God of the Headless.

He have a naughty young child. It is said that one day when the god was away, the son at home took out his magical fan to play with. At that time there was a poor man in the lower world. His wife was seriously ill. However, there was nothing to eat at home. He was forced to go a long way for more than a day to get a bowl of rice to cook porridge for his wife. When he got home, he went to the pond to wash rice. At that time, the sky was clear but suddenly a gust of wind blew up, causing his rice which was in the basket, to be thrown into the pond.

The man wept bitterly, not knowing who to pay for. He resented the infinite Wind God, determined to sue the Heavenly Court. The Jade Emperor heard the story and asked the wind god to rebuke. God of Wind confessed that he had a naughty child at home. The Jade Emperor thought it was an unforgivable sin so he banish the son of the wind god to the lower world to take care of the buffalo for the person who lost rice. After a while, the Jade Emperor again made the son of the god of Wind turn into wormwood to report the wind. Every time the wormwood rolls its flowers and leaves, the people of the world say that it is going to be windy and rainy. And every time a buffalo has a cold, people often take the leaves of wormwood to treat it, because it has experience with buffalo's disease during the time of keeping buffalo for people who have lost rice.
