Motherhood and Mother Goddess Belief

In Vietnam's mother worship beliefs, the worship of the goddess, the mother goddess. Tam Phu Cong Dong and Tu Phu Van Linh appear quite popular and have deep historical and social origins. There are studies that believe that beliefs originating from the Red River Delta are said to have rich and long-standing values, imbued with Vietnamese identity with the homage ritual. Although they are all worship of feminine gods, the worship of goddesses, mother gods, mother tam, and four palaces are not completely identical.

Vietnamese Mother Goddess Worship is an indigenous belief with foreign influences from Taoism, the belief that worshiping Mother (Mother) is an idol with the powers of reproduction, preservation and protection for children. Belief in which has been sexized with the image of a mother, is the place where Vietnamese women have expressed their desire to free themselves from the prejudices and constraints of feudal Confucian society. There is also Thanh Ban Manh who is the leading deity leading religious people to Mother - the Supreme One in Vietnamese Mother religion - Hoang Thien Tien Thanh Giao in Mother Goddess worship.

The Mother of God gives a clear hierarchical system of Immortals and Saints, each with their own story, in each story there are many different versions, basically the divine system is as follows:

1. Buddha with the symbol of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

2. The four Father Kings are the fathers of the Holy Mothers, including: Ngoc Hoang, Long Vuong Bat Hai, Son Tinh, and Diem Vuong.

3. The Holy Mother Temple / The Four Palaces of the Holy Mother: Mother Thuong Thien, Mother Thuong Ngan, Mother Thoai, and Mother Dia.

4. The Great Quan ranks: First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Great Quan and Quan Dieu That, Quan Hoang Trieu.

5. Adoration of Ba: Adoration of the First, the Second, the Third, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Luc, the Seven, the Bat, the Cuu, the Muoi, the Be, the Thu Temple...

6. Quan Hoang: Mr. Hoang Ca, Hoang Doi, Hoang Bo, Hoang Tu, Hoang Nam, Hoang Luc, Hoang Bay, Hoang Bat, Hoang Chin, Hoang Muoi.

7. Saints: Ms. Thuong Thien, Ms. Doi Thuong Ngan, Ms. Doi Cam Duong, Ms. Bo, Ms. Tu, Ms. Five, Ms. Sau, Ms. Seven, Ms. Eight, Ms. Chin Thuong, Ms. Nine Wells, Ms. Muoi and others. Little Girl.

8. Uncle's Dynasty: Uncle Hoang Ca Phu Giay, Uncle Hoang Ca Song Son, Uncle Hoang Doi, Uncle Hoang Bo, Uncle Hoang Tu, Uncle Hoang Nam, Boy of the Hill...

Mother Worship in the North

Thanh Mau Temple in Dong Hung, Thai Binh worships a queen of the Dinh Dynasty

Originating from Goddess worship with ancient origins from prehistoric times, to feudal times some goddesses were courtized and historicalized to become Mother Goddesses corresponding to the 15th century and earlier. with the deification of the feudal state, the form of worshiping Mother Goddesses with titles such as Quoc Mau, Vuong Mau, and Thanh Mau such as the phenomenon of worshiping Au Co, Quoc Mau Tay Thien, Mother Thanh Giong, Four Holy Queens, Dinh Model Dynasty...

From about the 15th century onwards, the form of worshiping the Mother Goddesses of the Three Palaces and the Four Palaces was shaped and flourished, this is also the period when characters such as Thanh Mau Lieu Hanh, Mother Thuong Ngan, Mau Thoai, and Co Doi appeared. Thuong Ngan, ... with rituals influenced by Taoism.

Mother Goddess Worship in the Central Region

This form of Mother worship is mainly in the South Central region, the basic feature of the form of Mother worship here is that there is no presence of the Mother Goddesses of the Three Palaces and the Four Palaces, but only the form of Goddess worship. and Goddess. The form of worshiping the Goddess is like worshiping the Four Saints, Ba Ngu Hanh and the form of worshiping the Mother Goddess is like worshiping Thien Y A Na, Po Nagar.

Mother Worship in the South

Compared to in the North, the custom of worshiping Goddesses and Mother Goddesses has a certain distinction with clear expression through the names and origins of the gods, in the South the distinction between the forms of worshiping the Goddess and The mother goddess is less obvious, this phenomenon is explained with the reason that Nam Bo is the new land of the Vietnamese, when migrating here they both bring the old religious traditions and receive the influences of the Vietnamese people. The residents living in the past create a picture of diversity not only in culture but also in beliefs

Goddesses are worshiped in the South such as Ba Ngu Hanh, Four Saints, Ba Thuy Long, Ba Chua Dong, Ba To Co,... and Mother Goddesses are worshiped like Ba Chua Xu, Ba Den, and Ba. Lord Ngoc, Lady Thien Hau,... 
