Nam tào and Bắc Đẩu - The God of Birth and the God of Death

In the beginning, when people died, they returned to hevean. But since the influence of Buddhism, it is believed that people die and then reincarnate as humans or other animals. That is the theory of reincarnation. The birth, death and reincarnation are recorded in notebooks held by the two gods Nam Cao and Bac Dau.

In the past, Nam Cao and Bac Dau were both human, twin brothers. Their mother became pregnant with them in old age and after 69 months of pregnancy, she gave birth to two blood-stained lumps of flesh, headless, without limbs. She was going to throw them all into the river. But she stopped and left them in a corner by the river. One hundred days later, the lumps of flesh suddenly turned into two very smart and strong boys. They had such extraordinary memories that they could remember all the little things that happen everywhere.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor chose them to be gods, to manage life and death. Nam Cao kept the birth note, Bac Dau kept the death note. Nam Cao and Bac Dau were always beside the Jade Emperor. Nam Tao on the left means the south, Bac Dau on the right means the North.

The two stars named Nam Cao and Bac Dau are the residences of the two gods.

There are still two hills in Pha Lai in North Vietnam, known as Nam Tao hill and Bac Dau hill, it is said that this is the place where the mother of two gods, after giving birth, put them there instead of throwing them in the river.

The two gods Nam Cao and Bac Dau, in addition to taking care of humans, from birth to death. They are the gods who regulate the wealth, poverty, good and evil of each person, and after death what must be reborn. Even the lives of animals were recorded by them.
