Twelve Midwives

Once upon a time, when the earth and the sky separated. it was still wet and dark. At that time, two goddesses of the Sun and the Moon, ordered by the Jade Emperor, began to appear in the sky to illuminate everywhere and heat the earth to dry.

The story of those twelve goddesses will be told in a later paragraph. This is talking about the Jade Emperor, since all the work of building the the earth and the sky was done, he began to think about creating all things. Not understond how the Jade Emperor did it, but only heard that he first used the dark residue left in sky and earth, and molded all kinds of animals from big ones like elephants, rhinoceros, tigers to small ones like worms, ants, bugs, worms etc. . . After that, the new Jade Emperor decanted the clear, pure substance and then molded another species which took him more effort. That was humanity. And that's why humans are smarter than all things.

Later, the human form was left to the twelve skillful goddesses, which we later called the twelve Midwives. The legends of those twelve goddesses are now only vaguely known to us. There is a theory that these are the goddesses who appeared and helped the Jade Emperor since he first had the intention to create mankind. But there is also a theory that the goddesses were entrusted by the Jade Emperor with the responsibility of reshaping the human form after he had created a sufficient number of people and things in the lower world.

According to this theory, the universe from the time it was built, the number of gods, people and animals as well as the amount of earth, water, and steam, etc will remain unchanged, neither adding nor removing a single bit. When people die, they can be reborn as humans, but they can also become animals or gods. The same goes for gods and animals, they can also be reborn as humans after death if the Jade Emperor or the gods in charge of that job agree and the Twelve Midwives are goddesses with a task. reshaping the body of any living being when the creature is reborn as a human.

There is a theory that those twelve goddesses each hold a separate job: one for the ears, one for the eyes, one for the limbs, one for giving birth, one to teach talking, laughing, etc. But there are also Many people think that the work of the twelve goddesses does not discriminate. They work collectively without assignment. No one is sure of any theory, just know that every person born in the physical world has to go through the hands of 12 goddesses to mold their faces, noses, and limbs, teach them to laugh while they are still red. However, those goddesses were not responsible for the longevity of the person they made. On the contrary, every flaw in each person's body was created by all twelve goddesses.
