Thần mưa, the god of rain

The Rain God is a dragon-shaped god, often flying down to the earth to suck sea water and river water into his stomach and then fly up to the sky to spray water to make rain for the world to drink and cultivate, and the plants on the lush ground. The Rain God often follows the orders of the Jade Emperor to distribute water in different places. However, the Rain God is so forgetful that there are areas where he doesn't come all year, causing droughts, and in some areas he comes too often, causing floods. Therefore, creatures in the lower world had to sue heaven because the Rain God was absent for a long time.

The Jade Emperor The know that work of distributing water to the whole earth is very heavy, the Rain god alone sometimes can't do it all, so the Jade Emperor opened a contest to choose the water creatures that have the talent to become dragons that suck water and spray rain to help the Rain god. That dragon contest was taken the place at Vu Gate (Vu Mon) in present-day Ha Tinh. Therefore, there is a folk song about the carp turning into a dragon.

Three fish go to eat swear,

On the fourth day of the fish, the fish crossed Vu Mon

When heaven and earth were born, it was the Jade Emperor who had to make rain so that all things could be born. After being too hard, God did not make rain anymore. The Jade Emperor sent the Dragon to spray water to make rain.

However, the number of Dragons in the heaven is small, it is not enough to make rain for air conditioners everywhere, so Heaven has set up a contest for picking things up to make Dragons called Dragon contest. When the Heaven's projection came down to the Water Palace, King Thuy Te announced to the aquatic breeds to compete and compete. Heaven cut a stone for the test. The nucleus has three stages, each time passing a wave, the animal that is strong enough and talented enough to overcome all three waves will take the bean and turn it into a Dragon. In a month, all the Water Tribe species that came to the contest were eliminated, because none of them passed all three waves of life. After a perch jumps through a wave, it immediately falls, so there is only one point. There was a shrimp that jumped through two waves, the intestines, liver, fins, scales, antennae, and tail were close to turning into a Dragon, then in the third turn, weakly fell down on the back, bent and turned upside down. The two children had to return to their lives in the fields as before. When it was the carp's turn to enter the contest, the wind blew loudly, clouds filled the sky, and the carp crossed for a while through three waves of life, entering the Vu Mon gate. Carp beans, tail fins, antennae, horns are naturally grown, in the form of a majestic set, the carp turns into a Dragon and sprays water to make rain.

Therefore, later people have a saying that:

Good girls get wise husbands,

Holding like a fish, crossing Vu Mon turns Hong.

The job of making rain, Ngoc Hoang entrusts the rain god. Dragon-shaped people, capable of going up to the sky and entering the water at any time. rain god has the ability to shrink the image to the size of a fish, but also can grow thousands of feet. Here, it is also important to distinguish the rain god from the water god, the two gods have the same dragon body, but the tasks are different on each side. The Rain God often descends to the earth to suck water from rivers and seas into his full stomach and then fly away, possibly far away, spitting out water for the world, people to plowing, and for healthy plants. We should also know that the work of the rain god as well as the work of the wind god is useful work for all beings on earth. However, there are times when those gods are distributed unevenly, causing harm. Especially the Rain god sometimes makes mistakes: rivers and seas don't suck back the fields or houses, but they damage a lot of people. Sometimes, the rain god only cares about watering remote areas thousands of miles away from the ocean. But forget about the areas right next to the coast. It was the "fatal" forgetfulness that caused the lawsuits in heaven.
