Thần sét, God of Thunder

In the world of gods, the God of Thunder is a fierce, evil-faced, fierce-screaming, dark-skinned man wearing only a loincloth, a drum on his back, and a stone hammer in his hand. God of Thunder is the god assigned by the Jade Emperor to punish all crimes in the lower world. The thunder strikes the ground as a manifestation of the wrath of the heavens. According to the Jade Emperor's command, the God of Thunder punishes those who commit crimes that are harmful to the lives of others that are well concealed or are not judged by people's laws. The God of Lightning also punishes the demons or animals and plants that have cultivated to become yokai and then seek to harm mortals...

At each trial, the God of Thunder often beats the drum worn by him to make thunder (so people also call him Thunder) and then the god of Thunder from heaven jumps down to the place, points the flag at the criminal's head, and then hits the hammer into his head. Sometimes, the god gave up the hammer that hit the sinner because he was busy with work and had to go to many places. Because of this, people sometimes pick up the hammer of the God of Thunder, which he throws on the ground.

God of Thunder usually sleeps in the winter, only wakes up in February and March to go to work.

God of Thunder's temperament is extremely hot-tempered. Whenever the god of lightning is ordered from heaven, he goes immediately and when he sees something, he immediately strikes it with a hammer. Therefore, there are times when the God of Lightning causes people to die unjustly. And because of that, the god of lightning could not avoid being punished by heaven for his mistakes. The God of Thunder was tied up on a big old tree in a corner of the heavenly forest and the Jade Emperor's rooster every day came and pecked on the God of Thunder and caused the Thunder God pain. However, the god of lightning had to lie still and not cry out. Therefore, after being forgiven, the God of Lightning has a habit of being startled when he hears a rooster crowing. Therefore, every time people are afraid of the thunder god, people often imitate the call of the chicken to scare the lightning god to avoid going somewhere else.

Since being influenced by Chinese mythology, the Vietnamese people also call the God of Thunder Thien Lei, or Lei Cong...

God of Thunder alone cannot do everything, must rely on other gods such as Lightning, who uses a round mirror in his hand to make lightning, and Rain uses a mirror to draw water from a pot he carries to make rain. Cloud gathers clouds, Wind blows wind. Every time God of Thunder beats drum, thunder signal that the trial of hevean's about to happen. The God of Thunder also asked his wife to help, or sometimes had to ask someone to complete the task, according to the following stories:

One day, a hunter chased the beast into the middle of the forest, encountered a fierce storm. Lightning filled the sky, thunder rose to the ground. The hunter looked up and saw on a big old tree a child holding a piece of red cloth and tied to a tree branch to make a flag. The flag make the lightning god to retreat immediately. Like other gods, the God of Lightning is very afraid of unclean things, especially the blood of black dog. The hunter guessed that the child was a kind of yokai pursued by the god of Thunder, so he used an unclean cloth to resist. In order to help the god caught the youkai, the hunter shot an arrow, in order to break down the flag in the child's hand. Immediately, a bolt of lightning hit the top of the tree. The hunter who stood too close also fell unconscious, and when he regained consciousness, he saw on him a piece of paper with the words to live for 12 more years because he helped the god of heaven, and at the root of the tree was struck by lightning and saw a dead animal, a giant iguana. That is, a demon child holding a flag appears in its original form.
