The Pillar-god

At that time, there were no creatures and no humans. Heaven and earth were just a chaotic, dark area called Chaos. Over tens of thousands of years, Chaos conceived and gave birth to a giant, incredibly large, indescribably long-legged god. Every step he took could cross from one forest to another, from one mountain to another, there was no words to describe his greatness. That god continued to slumber in the center of Chaos until he came to his senses and awoke on his own. He stretched his shoulders and stood up. Part of Chaos was put on his head by him, part was trampled under his feet. From there, sky and ground were formed. Although in the beginning sky and ground were very close to each other, everything was still very dark and cramped for the large body of the god. So the god decided to build a pillar to prop the sky up. The god dug the ground and built it into a huge pillar. The work did not know how long, how many days had passed. The stone pillar was getting taller and taller. The sky was like an immense curtain lifted up. No one knew how much strength the god spent, the stone pillar kept getting higher and higher and pushed the sky up to the blue clouds.

Since then, the sky and the ground had clearly divided. The ground was flat like a square tray, the sky was round like an upside down bowl, where the sky and the ground met were the horizon.

When the sky was high, it became stable and dry, the god broke the pillar and threw rocks and stones everywhere. Stones that were thrown turned into a mountain or an island, the soil scattered everywhere into mounds, piles, into high hills. The place where god dug deep to get soil and rock to build columns, today is the immense sea.

When everything was done, he lied down to rest and admire his achievements. Then from there he fell into a deep sleep. The giant body turned into mountains, hills, rivers, and trees.

The pillar of the sky is no longer there. It’s said that traces of that pillar are in Thach Mon mountain, Hai Duong region. That mountain’s also called Kinh Thien Tru.

After the Pillar-god divided the sky and the ground, other gods appeared and continued the work of building this world. Those gods are many, such as Star God, River god, Mountain god, Sea god... and other giant gods, but that’s a story for later....
