78. Wise wife

Once upon a time, a boy lived wealthy but he was stupid. One day, after he heard that had a ten – day - festival he hurriedly chose nice clothes, beautiful hat and shoes, wore them and mounted on a horse then rode toward the festival. Whenever the met other he asked them.
“Do you think I am handsome?”
He was pleasant whenever people said that he was handsome. When he arrived to stalls which were stood around the festival he met a swindler who stood aside to dodge his horse. The boy stopped to ask him.
“Do you think I am handsome?”
“Handsome but this way is not the way how a noble wear”, said the swindler
“How, how can I wear as a noble?”, the boy stopped to insist the swindler, “help me, I will pay for that”.
The swindler shouted: “Get down, take off your clothes then I will teach you”.
The boy didn’t hesitate to do as the swindler said. He gave the swindler his clothes, hat, shoes and the swindler put on.
“This is how a noble wears clothes”, said the swindler.
Then he seized the rein, mounted on the horse and rode two rounds.
“This is the way how a nobles rides”, he said.
At last, he roweled the horse and rode away. The boy ran after and screamed to have people’s help but nobody believed his word because they couldn’t thought how the robber could rob his clothes before mounted on the horse and ran away.
The boy had no choice he put on the clothes which the swindler left them came to his home. His wife scolded him after hearing he said. The next morning, the wife made his husband lead her to the festival to find the swindler. She asked him: “Don’t scream though you see him. Let me handle”.
The swindler after having things from the boy was carefulness he thought that the boy couldn’t afford to regain. Therefore, he was comfortable to go back the festival with the things on his body. The wife followed the swindler as she saw him. She had prepared a golden earring and a golden bracelet. Then she stood by a well and waited for the swindler. When the swindler went cross she cried. The swindler stopped to ask her:
“Why do you cry?”
She showed him the golden earring and bracelet and said: “Alas, I lost an earring and a bracelet in the well. If my husband knows he will punish me. What should I have to now? Please, help me I will never forget your help”.
The wife was beautiful that he couldn’t refuse, besides, he thought that he could get some things from the thing so he agreed to help her. He took off the clothes and waded. The wife waited for he dived she grabbed the clothes, mounted on the horse and rode it as fast as toward her home. When the swindler emerged from water and didn’t see both clothes and horse. He had no choice but using his hand to cover his body and chased after the wife. He screamed to have people’s help but people only scolded him. Therefore, he had to shut his mouth and went straight to his home.  
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
