67. God will regain tihings belonging to him

Once upon a time, in a village lived a poor man. He had no field, no job so, every day, he went fishing to get something to eat. Because of that he always prayed god for a fortune though he had pay by his years. He had prayed for three years. Though all things were not changed but he still continued praying.
One day, as he was digging a hole to catch a crab he caught a solid-bar which was yellow and shiny. Happily he brought the bar back to home and asked his neighbor what it was. The neighbor confirmed that was gold. Immediately, he came back the place where he had caught the gold bar and continued digging. At last, he collected more 9 bars. He said thank to god and brought all 10 bars and hid them. He planed to buy some field and get married. Unfortunately, his neighbor couldn’t keep the thing in secret. Therefore, the rumor that he had caught gold spread largely. It came to a landlord. The landlord went to his home immediately to make friend. He found all way to have the gold. At last, he insisted him to get married with his sister. The man felt pleasant and agreed. Then his life became more easily. He had a beautiful wife, had a house and had field.
But the plan of landlord, at last, was successful. Ten gold bars were fallen in his hand. Though, he couldn’t usurp the gold bars alone. The news that a person had caught gold came to a mandarin. As the mandarin heard that gold had fallen in to landlord’s hand he couldn’t stop his rapacity. The mandarin called the landlord to come and ask him to separate the gold bars in two, five bar for the mandarin and the others for the landlord. But the landlord didn’t want to separate that made the mandarin be angry. The mandarin had a plan he forced robbers he had just caught to said that the landlord was their accomplice. The landlord was beaten very hard. At last, he had to give the mandarin the gold bars and including his assets to get freedom.
After having the gold bars, the mandarin asked his son to bring the gold bar come home, buy field. But the son was gambler. In his travel he saw a casino and immediately was attracted. Of course, only a night he had lost all the gold bars to a trader who had cheated. The next day, the trader in gleefully packed his luggage prepared to go home.
Unfortunately, robbers was wandering nearly. They saw two people with heavy luggage go cross and thought they would had big deal. Therefore, they followed the traders. As they crossed a forest the robbers immediately killed traders and robbed their luggage. As they saw the gold bars they creamed then separated them in two, each five bars belonged to one of leaders and coins were separated to two remaining robbers. Then two leaders asked others to go and buy food and wine they wanted a party.
The robbers who were forced to buy food and wine also wanted the gold bars. So they had a plan they will put poison into wine. Then they went to market, after enjoyed a big meal, they buy wine then put poison into then brought back.
Meanwhile, leaders staying at home wanted to keep secret that they had had the gold bars so they planed that as two back they would killed them immediately. The thing happened as they had planned when two just went home they had been cut of their heads. All things done, the leaders now enjoyed their food and their wine cheerfully. But, after short time, they poisoned and died.
The gold bars, now, had no owner.
The next day, a trader incidentally went cross the place saw and immediately caught the gold bars. Then he hurriedly found his boat to go away. Though his goods were still not stacked on boat he had pushed off. The boat had floated in sea for two day it met a storm that made mast broken then all of the boat also was broken and sunk into the water. all things including gold bar sunk. Fortunately, the trader caught a plank and drifted to beach. As he was saved by people and woke up he chucked and said:
“The god have regained what belong to him.”
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
