54. Elephant, tiger, rabbit and monkey

An elephant was strolling he met a tiger. They had a conversation. At last the tiger had an idea.
“We are power animals who make others scared so why we don’t have a game that we will jump pass the stream and the winner can abuse and eat the other. Do you think you have ability to play with me.”, said the tiger.
The elephant felt upset when he was taunted.
“This is ok I will play with you.” Said the elephant. Then the tiger jumped pass to the other side very easy. The elephant, in other side, couldn’t jump because he was too weighty. He sank into water his feet sank into mud that made he had to pulled up his feet in very difficult way. Till nightfall he he set his feet on ground then both of them found their ways to their home.
The next morning, the elephant kept his words found his way to meet the tiger. He knew he would be eaten so each step made him felt heavier.
A rabbit standing under a tree saw the elephant walking as a lost-soul elephant. The rabbit approached.
“Where are you going, my dear friend?”, said the rabbit.
The elephant didn’t reply.
“What’s up? Why are you so sad? Talk me, maybe I can help you, my friend.” Added the rabbit.
The elephant stopped walking and he said his story to the little friend.
“When I realize that participating the game is so stupid all things have done.”, said the elephant.
“Why don’t you escape? That is better.”, said the rabbit.
“I prefer to be eaten than not to keep my words.”, said the elephant.
The rabbit spent a little while thinking. “Ok, I have an idea to save you.”, said the rabbit.
“How?”, said the elephant.
“You need to follow my words it is so easy.”, said the rabbit then the rabbit went to collect something to make up himself to be a horrible creature. Then the rabbit and the elephant walked toward meeting place. The rabbit asked the elephant to lay his back down and his foot up and the elephant had to keep himself motionless though the rabbit did anything.
The tiger felt delight after the game. The next morning he found his way to come meeting place. When the tiger nearly came he saw a strange sight a strange creature was eating the elephant though the creature was not big as the elephant foot.
“God, what is creature? How can it eat the elephant? I had better go away or have same fate as the elephant.”, thought the tiger.
The tiger found his way to come his home immediately. In his way he met a monkey. The money was on a bough.
“Why do you look so hurry? Where are you going?”, said the monkey.
Monkey’s words brought the tiger back the ground. He said the monkey about what he had seen then he nearly went but the monkey stopped him.
“Don’t be afraid. I think that is a play. I and you should go back to take a clearly look.”, said the monkey. Saw the tiger still suspected the monkey added: “If you have something to suspect you can tie me on your back so I can not escape.”
Then the monkey found a rope and tied himself on the tiger’s back. Two came back the meeting place. When the rabbit saw the tiger came back with the monkey he immediately knew the monkey came to expose so he couldn’t let him do. He shouted immediately: “Monkey, why you work too slowly? Your father has to gift me 10 tigers. Why, now, do you only bring a tiger come? If you want keep your life, bring enough 10 tigers come.”
The tiger thought what the rabbit said was real. He now was a gift so he was frightened. Immediately, he ran. He ran to save his life until he felt tired, his body was wet by sweats he stopped. He turned back his head and saw the monkey was baring his teeth he   thought the monkey was smile so he scolded. But the monkey had died when the tiger ran the monkey’s head hit against rocks in the way.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
