48. Love

A boy had family name Nguyen lost father and lived with his mother. His family was poor, his mother rowed a boat cross a river but her job didn’t earn enough money for their lives. Nguyen was a student because of poverty he had stopped going to school times. He had a great singing voice; besides, so handsome. His singing voice had made girls fall in love.
In other side of the river stood rich man’s house which belong to a man whose family name was Tran. He had a young beautiful girl who was singer. She sometime saw the student when he brought people pass the river. After meetings, she felt love was growing inside. Especially, every afternoon of summer when the student sang she could keep herself to not fall in love with this heaven-voice. One day, he gave a brooch and a paper-fan to a faithful maid to bring the things and gave to the student. She also directed the maid said the student that he came and require to marry; it would be successful because she had loved him.
The student felt both happy and afraid when he had received things. He said his mother and asked her to manage but his mother said:
“Don’t climb highly, my son. That only bring people's laughter.” But he very trusted the girl he said:
“Mom, let’s do it. I think all things will have done because she loves me.”
At last his mother followed his words she asked a wedding-maker to go and ask for a wedding.
Tran showed a scornful face when he had heard. He didn’t ask his daughter before returned gifts. The wedding-maker added: “The boy is clever and if…”
Never let him finish his words Tran said immediately: “My girl is idiot and ugly that she don’t deserve to marry with him.”
The wedding-maker continued saying him about the great future when his daughter married with the student but Tran interrupted him.
“My daughter doesn’t have this fortune becoming noble’s wife”, then he asked the wedding-maker to leave in finesse, “If he want to marry with my daughter he has to bring here dozen of gold bars.”
The wedding-maker said mother’s student which made she fell both sad and ashamed. The next day, the student asked his mother to go.
“Mom, I have to go. I go to make money.”, then he went away.
The girl felt very sad when her father didn’t agree their wedding. Still not knew to do anything she heard her lover had gone away. That made her more sadly then she fell in her thinking about the student. Day by day her body became weaker though her father invited so many doctors to come. At last, she could live no longer with wither body she dead. Tran felt very sad he followed his daughter’s words burning her body. After burning, people found solid which was big as a chicken-egg which was crystal but had red color like blood. Tran asked a person to make the thing to become a tea-cup. Whenever the cup was filled up water it always show up the student’s face. Because of thing Tran realized that his daughter had died because she loved the student. That made Tran fell very very remorseful.
The student went with nothing in his hand. He passed many difficult things. At last he became a guest staying in a general’s house. He was a intelligent man who had helped the general many times so he had the general’s trust. The general treated him   very well he presented much money that after only three years the student had earned enough money to marry. One day, the student asked the general to let him go home.     
The general agreed. The student came back home in happiness but when he was at his home he knew his lover had died. Be heart-broken he ran to Tran’s house. Tears made his sleeves drenched. Tran felt very sorry he apologized then showed him the tea-cup. The student felt more painfully when he heard Tran said. His tears continued dropping till tears dropped into the tea-cup the tea-cup melted into blood.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
