44. Chom king

That time, Vietnam was managed by king whose family name was Le but one of his servants had much power, Dang Dung Mac, who had plans to harm the king he wanted the throne which only belonged to a king. Le king had realized that thing but Mac had power and also had many supporters so Le king did nothing. At last, Le king escaped from the castle but only short time he was caught by Mac’s servants then he was imprisoned.
Le king spent his remaining time in the prison which had guards who used to drink every afternoon. Wine seller was a young woman.
One day, the young woman brought wine coming. She went to the prison and saw a new handsome prisoner who was alone in a personal cage. She asked guards and knew that was the king. She approached and got acquainted with Le king. Whenever he brought wine to prison to sell she always took a little to the king. She served him. Day by day, love between them appeared and grew up. One day, she put sleeping potion into wine bottle before she brought to the prison. She gave guards as normal day and waited they fell in sleep. Then, she went in the cage the king was stay and slept with him.
After short time, the young woman was pregnant. The realized that he would be harmed in short time so he gave his gem stamp to her. He said:
“Take this thing for our child. This thing will prove our child is my offspring.”
Chom king        
Short time later, Mac killed the king. Queen, princesses, princes and all people who related to the king also had same destiny. Mac got the throne and become king.
The news threatened the young woman. She ran away and lived in a wild region. After few months, he bore a son and named Chom. Chom grew up and was educated by old monk, Thach Toan living in a temple near. Chom was clever and also naughty.
One day, Chom after going out felt hungry he saw a bowl of fruit, full of bananas and oranges, which was set front Mu Thien statue. He sneaked to the statue and covered eyes of the statue by his hand then he took bananas to eat. Suddenly the old monk appeared and saw he grabbed collar and pulled him out. Old monk beaten him so hard that made Chom feel angry. He waiting the old monk went out, wrote some words in a paper: “Even you have 10 eyes and 10 hands but you can not help me. Worthless should go away.” Then he stuck the paper on Mu Thien statue’s chest.
That night the old monk dreamed Mu Thien appeared and said: “The king ate bananas because of hunger. You should not have beaten him. It made him hate me and drove me away. You have to apologize so he can forgive me and let me stay here.” The old monk woke up and called Chom to come. He said his dream to Chom and requested Chom to take down the paper. Then he asked:
“Where is your father, Chom?”
“I have never seen my dad since I was born.”, replied Chom.
Chom went back his house and asked his mom.
“Where is my dad, mom?”
His mom was still threatened so she didn’t dare to say him the truth. She said: “Le is your dad’s family name. He was killed by a tiger before you were born.” Chom felt sad and he planed to kill the tiger to revenge. A day, he went to forest and saw a tiger was sleeping. He brought a big stone, went toward where the tiger was lying by his foot tips and threw the stone down the tiger’s head. The tiger’ head was broken. It dead. Chom grabbed tiger’s tail and pulled to his village. When he was pulling another tiger appeared and nearly attacked him. Being threatened Chom left the dead tiger and ran. Suddenly a old man taking a iron rod appeared and killed the tiger. Chom just had escaped from death, he kneeled to express his gratitude. The old man gave Chom the iron rod and   said: “You had better learn kungfu to protect yourself.” The old man taught Chom kungfu then he left him the iron rod and went.
Chom always brought the iron rod from that time. A day Chom went cross a temple where a monster which had harmed many people. He climbed wall in to find the monster. Short time later,   a giant snack crept out from a deep cave. Its eyes were flaming and its mounth puffed poisonous smoke. Chom beat violently to its head. The snack dead.
Time passed, all things related to Le king felt in oblivion. Chom’s mom felt safe she came back her home with Chom. Every day, Chom went to forest, collected wood to sell or worked for others to det money. When he felt hunger he always went to a restaurant to eat, the restaurant Chom went in that day would had many customers and the others only saw customers went in and out that restaurant. Therefore, all restaurants wanted his coming although he would pay later. Because of that Chom let himself eat unlimited. After eating he always promised he would pay later. When people asked for his pay he always said:
“When I have money I will pay.”
 Kim Nguyen, a mandarin had served Le king, had escaped from Vietnam when Mac harmed the king. He went to Laos and planed to fight against Mac. King of Laos let him stay at Sam Chau to group soldiers. Years passed Kim Nguyen had strong army but he didn’t have any reason to attack Mac. He wanted a person who was Le king’s offspring to lead army but all of them were killed.
One night when Kim Nguyen was sleeping a god appeared and said: “King was born, why don’t you pick him up?”
“Where is he?”, said Nguyen.
“You go toward the west, found restaurants area. You will see a black dragon crept around a column he was exactly the king.”
Nguyen woke up. The next day, he and some soldiers disguised like traders. They went cross restaurants when Chom was eating. Chom saw strange people he jumped up hugged a column to see. Nguyen went arround, observed all columns and saw person with dark skin, Chom, hugging a column but he was so normal. Therefore, Nguyen did not notice. That night, the god appeared again and blamed Nguyen.
“I have said you but you didn’t hear me. Tomorrow, you go to riverside. You will see a person who stood on boat and wear a iron hat he is the king.”, said the god.
The next day, Nguyen stood on riverside to observe boats crossed. He had waited for a long time till sunset it suddenly rained. Chom and an iron pot-seller that time was on boat. Chom grabbed a iron pot and put on his head to keep it dry. That time Nguyen also didn’t pay attention because of same reason of the before time. The god appeared one more time to blame Nguyen.
“Tomorrow, you go to restaurants. You will go pass a person and see 大 letter, when you go back you will meet the person again and see 王 letter. The person is the king.”
The next day, Nguyen and his servants one more time went to find their king. They saw the boy they had seen twice time now was drunken. He was sleeping, his head was lying on his iron rod, his arms were lying along his body and his legs were lying apart that whole his body looked exactly like 大 letter. Nguyen and his servants went away few minutes. When they came back the iron rob had rolled out his head, his arms was lying on his chest and his legs was set squarely with his body that his body and the iron rod looked like 王 letter. Nguyen believed for sure that the king god had talked him was that boy. Nguyen and his servants went in the restaurant and waited Chom woke up.
When Chom woke up and saw a noble person was sitting next to himself. He grabbed his rod and nearly sprinted but Nguyen prevented him. Nguyen said:
“Don’t be frightened, my king.”
Chom felt surprised, he asked: “Who is your king. It is me, Chom, only a normal person.”
Nguyen and his servants still expressed their care. They asked him about his life, his house, his mother’s health then they asked him about his father.
Chom said them that his father’s family name was Le and he had dead because of tiger.
Nguyen was happy when he heard that his father’s family name was Le. Nguyen believed that Chom was exactly Le king’s offspring. They and Chom went to his house together. When she saw strange people Chom’s mom had feeling of happiness and fear. Till she felt safe she started talking her story. She gave them the stamp to prove her story.
Then Chom said goodbye his mother to go to Sam Chau with Nguyen. Mac also heard news about Le king’s offspring he ordered a general grouped army to fight them. They had many fighting. At last, Chom and his army got the win then they went straight toward castle. Remaining soldiers of Mac escaped from Chom’s army when they were on their way. After short time, Mac lose and Chom got complete victory. That time Chom was powerful lord and ready to become king.
When they were marching to the castle people appeared suddenly in their way they were bosses of restaurants Chom had eaten. He came to greet and get paid. Soldiers nearly beaten because of contumely but Chom prevented and said them about the time he had eaten in the restaurants without payment. Then Chom ordered his servant paid his debts. Others saw people were paid also surrounded to get paid. A crowd was created that made soldiers couldn’t pay all debt because creditors appeared more and more crowded. At last they had to stand on palanquin and threw money down to creditor picked but that thing only made the crowd became chaotic. Therefore, a general had notification that: “If anyone dares to ask payment they will be cut off their head immediately.” The crowd split off.
When Chom set his foot in castle it was nearly dark. He realized all mandarins and generals had same idea that they wanted him to be king. Chom looked straight up the sky and said: “God please tell me. Don’t I deserve to become a king? If I do god please make the sun go up to the sky. If I don’t you do nothing and I will come back my home and become a normal person till I die.” Chom had just finished his words the sun went up immediately. The coronation happened and Chom became the king. When the coronation finished the sun disappeared immediately that time was 1 o’clock.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
