43. Thien and Dia

Once upon a time, Thien and Dia were farmers but both of them didn’t have any farm. Therefore, they had to work in others’ farms and got wages. They were very poor and parentless. One of them, Thien was so clever so that he could do everything with one time guide. One day, Dia said with his fellow.
“If we only do that work we will get nothing. You are clever person so you can study and attend contests the king hold then get pass them to be a mandarin. Don’t need to do anything but study. I will try to get enough money for me and you. When you become mandarin we will enjoy happiness together.”
Thien agreed.
Thien and Dia
Then Dia work hardly to have money for both him and Thien. Thien also study increasingly that was Dia’s source of motivation.
Ten years passed. Thien passed the district contest then province contest and he also passed the contest which the king held passing with highest score. The king let him became a power mandarin, had a large beautiful mansion and many servants.
Dia was burst into happiness when he heard his friend had become a mandarin. He sold his house, got that money and went to find his friend. But he had never thought that his friend now changed his mind he didn’t consider him as his friend. Therefore, Dia wasn’t allowed to go in. He was expel away his friend’s house. His heart sank. He had no choice but moving away.
In his way, he went to a river, sat on the riverside. Tears poured from his eyes. He thought about his fate it was so dark. Meanwhile he also couldn’t go back his house which was sold. At last, he cried. He cried loudly.
Buddha appeared but he transformed into a passer who approached him.
“Why do you cry?”,he said.
Dia said Buddha a long story.        
Buddha made a boat appeared.
“Stay here son. You only need to help people get cross the river you also can get enough money to live.” said the Buddha. Then the Buddha disappeared.
Dia stayed at the river. Day by day he helped people cross the river to have money. But the money was enough to buy food he saved no money. When his father’s death anniversary was coming he sank into his thinking that how to get something to put in to his father’s altar. That afternoon, he took few people cross the river then rowed back the other riverside. When he was in middle of river he heard somebody called. He turned back. The customer was a young beautiful lady. When they got on the land it was dark. The lady had a reckless request.
“It is dark and so far from here to my house. Could you let me stay here one night, please.”, asked the lady.
Dia’s house was a hut next to riverside. He had a hammock in the hut. Glad to let the lady lay on his hammock he nearly went out to find another place. Suddenly the lady said: “Are you married?”
“No, I am not.”, said Dia
“Do you want marry with me? I can be your wife now.” said the lady.
Dia was so surprised he was speechless.
“I am a resident who live in heaven. Because the king of heaven felt sorry for you so he asked me to come and help you.”, added the lady.
Then the lady waved sleeve the hut transformed immediately into a luxurious mansion with full of furniture. Surround Dia now was dozens of servants who would do all things he requested.
Dia had feeling of surprise and happiness. Then lady transformed out a feast. She asked Dia to invite Thiem to come the feast in tomorrow.
The tomorrow, Dia wore luxurious clothers sat on a palanquin then went to Thien’s house. That time, Dia was treated kindly. He invited Thien to go the feast but Thien was so arrogant he sneered.
“If you want me to come. You have to spread rug from my house to your house.”, said Thien.
Dia went back. He said their conversation to his wife. She transformed out a long rug which was spread from Thien’s house to Dia’s house.
Thien was so surprised he had never thought that Dia could be wealthy as that after a very short time. He felt curios so he came to take a look. When he went to Dia’s house he got more unexpected. He saw things located in the house very few people could have and Dia’s wife. He had never any woman who could be more beautiful than her. The woman now was serving them wine. He drunk and drunken then he felt jealous with his friend. He said:
“Why we don’t mad a exchange? You give me your wife, your house and I give my house and my position.”, said Thien.
Dia didn’t want that thing but his wife whispered him to agree. They had a commitment then Dia sat on the palanquin went to Thien’s house.
Thien stayed at Dia’s house and had a deep sleep. The next morning he woke up and bewildered when he didn’t saw the mansion. All things he saw were only a shabby hut and a boat but he couldn’t do any more because of the commitment. Therefore, he had to be ferryman.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
 "Translated by Hung Nguyen"

List of Vietnamese fairy tales
