35. Fat cow or bony cow

Long time ago, when Viet Nam was separated in two, one was managed by the Lord whose family name was Trịnh and the other was managed by the King whose family name was Lê, a business man and his wife after few years away from their home decided to come back their home. They had a little money.
They crossed a river called “Khuốt” and came to a village called “Đa Gia”. It was afternoon and also rain. Therefore, they decided to stay at that village.
Đa Giá that time was a place where robbers lived. Everybody who went to and took a rest there was robbed and killed. When visitors came a person, the robber, would take luggage to know the luggage was heavy or not. Then they would harm the visitors at the night. They would tie the visitors and bring to the mountain nearly and threw them down a deep hole at that. Then they came back and separated visitors’ luggage. But all things they had done were too secret that nobody knew about their bad things they did. The deep was place which hid so many dead people   but they were still normal people with other people who lived in nearby villages.
When the couple had just landed their feet on staircase front inn a woman ran toward them to take   their luggage.
“You are so lucky. Today, delicious food and wine are available for you,” said the woman.
When they had eaten it was so dark and the woman also had prepared bed for them sleeping. When the door was closed they heard a voice out the room.
“Do you have cows? We want to borrow?” said a man
“Yes, we have”, said the woman.
“Fat or bony”, snapped the man.
“Fat”, said the woman.
 Then the woman went to bed to sleep. The couple was also in their bed. The husband slept completely because of sleeping potion in his cup of wine. The wife in other side was still awake.
At midnight robbers broke the door to come and tie the husband they put rag into the husband’s mouth and brought him away. The wife nearly yelled but a robber gabbed a sword went toward her. When the robber was ready to reach her she kneeled and prayed for her life.
“Please, please let me live, I will never forget your help”, said the wife.
The robber took a torch pass her face. She was young and beautiful it made the robber change his mind. He wanted to live with the young beautiful woman.
“Follow me. If you yell I will kill you immediately”, he said.
Then he left her at a house that belong to his underling then he took her ear-ring to others so he could keep secret that she was alive.
From that time, he used to come to meet the young wife. Sometime he presented her something as silk, jewelry… She didn’t need to think about food, drink or clothes all things were prepared by maids but she was imprisoned in that house which was always clsoed. Therefore, she lived and followed robber’s words without her spirit. She also found out how robbers robbed.
Day by day, the poor woman still pretended to be fun when her enemy came. At last, her existing was discovered. Village head said him that he had to kill her or both he and she will be thrown down the hole.
“Rule is rule and nobody can break rule”, said head village.
That night, after eating the robber pulled the poor wife to the mountain. She kneeled and prayed violently but that time he didn’t change his mind.
“I will let you go together with your husband. This is last thing I can do for you”, he said
When they came to the hole ran, ran for her life but he chased and caught her. He pushed her down but she had grabbed his clothes so both they were fallen down the hole. Fortunately, she could grab a branch and climbed up. She went, went toward the north.
One day, when the Lord, Trịnh, went out his castle. When his palankeen was crossing a bridge the poor sprinted from underneath bridge and kneeled. She took a paper over her head. Although soldiers forced her away but she didn’t move.
“Please let me meet the Lord. I have to talk him my story”, she said.
See the crowd the Lord forced his soldiers to stop and called the wife to come and say her story. After hearing the Lord gave his sword to a general to lead 2000 soldiers ridden toward “Đa Giá” village.
After 2 days, a drug seller with very heavy luggage came to Đa Giá. He shouted to have wine and food after just coming. Short time later, she fell sleep and couldn’t hear conversation between inn owner and robbers.
The seller was brought to the hole but that time when robbers came to the hole they were frighten by a loudly roared then they were covered by soldiers with swords in their hands. The day robbers were killed completely. Houses, field, assets were separated to people in other villages. About poor people who were dead in the hole were brought up and burried.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
