32. Tale of Guom lake

That time Viet Nam was dominated. Their enemies treated them like trash. Mean time, in Lam Sơn, Thanh Hoa people had grouped to fight but they were too weak. Therefore, they had to separate every time whenever they attacked with their enemies. King of dragon, the master of seas, wanted to help them so he decided to let them borrow his sword.
Le Thuan who lived in Thanh Hoa that time worked as a fisher. A night when he went fishing as he had done every night he met a strange thing.
The first time when he dropped his fishing net down the water and pulled it up he was so happy because he felt it so heavy. He thought that he had caught a big fishes but when he had pulled up the fishing net he realized the thing in his fishing net was only an iron bar. Disappointed he threw the iron bar down the sea, went to other place and dropped his fishing net one more time. That time as the time before his fishing net was so heavy and when he had pulled up it he saw the iron bar another time was in his fishing net. He took it up and threw.
Go away to drop his fishing net, but as two time early the iron bar another time was in his fishing net. He felt so surprised and wanted to know what exactly what he had. Take his torch near the iron bar to see he realized the iron bar now was a sword without hilt. He screamed: “OMG, this is a sword.
Short time later, he stopped fishing to participate in army. He devoted by his best for his master who now was Le Loi that made his master was very pleased. One day, Le Loi and his fellows came to his house. In the dark which covered whole his house the iron bar suddenly glowed. Feel strange, Le Loi went toward the iron bar, grabbed it and he realized 2 words was notched on it “Thuận Thiên” (follow the God’s meaning) but nobody knew that was magical sword.
One day, Le Loi and his fellows were chased by enemies. They went to every direction. Le Loi went to a forest. While he was going and suddenly saw a light glowing on top of a tree. He climbed and realized the thing glowing was a hilt. At the moment he remembered the sword he had seen at Le Thuan’s house.
Three days later, Le Loi met his fellows and Le Thuan. He took the hilt out and front surprising of people the hilt and the sword were fit. Then he talked them about the random he had the hilt. All of people also thought that that sword was a gift the God gave them. Le Thuan heavied the sword over his head and said:
“Master, the God gave us the sword to fight against our enemies. We were pleased to give our lives to you, fought against enemies.”
From that time Le Loi had the sword their fighting spirits became stronger. Grab the magical sword in his hand, Le Loi got victories in battles. Their enemies were frightened. They didn’t need to hide in forest now they went to find enemies to attack them. Short time later, no enemies was alive in the country. Le Loi became king.
One year later, when Le Loi was sitting on a boat which went around a lake which was front of the castle the dragon king asked golden turtle swimming up to regain the magical sword.
When the boat was in middle of the lake a golden turtle suddenly went up from water. The king forced his soldiers to stop the boat. The sword which was hung on his belt shook up. The golden turtle went toward the boat and said:
“I come to regain the sword.”
After hearing the king understood immediately he took the sword and gave to the turtle. The turtle bit the sword and disappeared. The story was talked to everyone living in the country and the lake had named “Hồ Gươm” from that time to now
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"

List of Vietnamese fairy tales
