29. Tale of mosquito

Once upon a time, in village having a couple they loved the other so much that they had promised if a person died early the other would end his or her life.
A short time later the wife was taken by the Death in surprise of all people. Especially the husband, nobody could explain how much he felt painful. He had planned few times but was saved by his family then they took care of him so close to prevent him from killing himself.
tale of mosquito
When he and his family were going to bury his wife a mage appeared and taught him how to save his wife. He also added that he had brought many people from the hell back. It was very easy but required people who want save other lives had to be brave and patient. A day the husband had to hug three times and transfer his heat to his wife and he had to do that thing 100 days then his wife would be back.
The husband said thank you the mage then did what the mage had said in hope. Day by day he tried to hug, transfer his heat and his breath to the cold cadaver. But the cadaver radiated terrible smell after three days that made his neighbours unendurable. Therefore, they went to his home and made him have to bury the cadaver.
Having no choice he prayed their helping to make a raft which would bring them away. People agreed so after only half day the raft had completed
The raft followed the water few days. The husband still hugged his wife in heat. The cadaver looked like a person sleeping that made the husband felt more hopeful. One day, when he landed to cook at a wrap he saw old leisurely man with long silver hair and beard was walking away from him but he just spent a little time thinking then the old man had appeared front at his face.
Being surprised but for a moment he realized the man front his face now was a God. Immediately. He kneeled then talked the God about whole story. At last, he prayed the God made his wife revived.
Seeing his heartfelt and felt sorry him he followed him down the raft, took a look then he said the husband put three drop of his blood into mouth of his wife. Suddenly, the wife woke up as though she just had a long sleep. Before the God left he had asked the wife
“The man gave you three drop of blood. Do you love him forever?”
The wife promised that she would love him forever. Then the God said:
“Whatever, if you don’t love him at a day in the future you only need pay three drop of blood.”
The God saw they seemed to be impatient wanting to go home, he called a giant crocodile to carry them back home.
After half day going, the crocodile felt hungry it asked the couple to go up ground it would go to find some food.
The couple went to a luxurious restaurant where had a businessman sitting. He, the businessman, realized beauty of the wife and wanted her for himself. He pretended selling goods to get lose the wife. He said that he had so much jewelry and silk in his boat and invited them to take a look.
The husband, in other hand, didn’t care what he had. After eating he left the businessman alone, grabbed his wife’s hand got out the restaurant. They sat under a tree talking for a while then they fell in fast sleep because of tiredness. When the businessman saw they was sleeping he went to them in silent, woke the wife up and invited her came down his boat then he would gift a jewelry necklace to her. He also added: “My boat was so near here that will not take you much time.
The wife felt emotive then she followed him dow the boat. For a moment, the businessman hinted seaman moved the boat and went away.
The crocodile came back saw the husband was sleeping lonely. It woke the husband up. The husband woke up didn’t see his wife. He believed that the crocodile had eaten his wife. To prove it was innocent it said the husband took a sword poke cross its mouth to get a check. The husband waved the sword in its stomach but he only saw fish bone and pebbles. He went around find his wife but didn’t see he came back riverside and burst in to sobs.
The crocodile felt sorry to him it said him to mount on its back to go and find his wife. The crocodile raced after boats. After asking few times someone let them know that the wife was in a business boat which just passed. They raced followed the direction.
When the husband saw the wife sitting on the boat. He shouted:“Please come back, my wife. I can not live without you. I will sever you a happy life.”    
But the wife replied:
“Please get back alone, I have to betray you,” then she threw him a pocket of gold.
The husband threw the pocket of gold down the river then asked the crocodile went to see the God. When they met the God, the God asked them went back and asked the wife returned three drop of blood.
The wife as she gave back three drop of blood dead immediately. Although the businessman tried on may way to cure her but nothing happened. Then, the businessman threw her body down the sea but the God gave her another life, he transformed her into a mosquito.
That explains why mosquitoes always absorbed from people. They followed their ancestor absorbing blood to have a chance to transform into a person.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
