24. Tale of Dracaena

Once upon a time, that was a man who was butcher. He lived in a house which was by pagoda. Everyday, a young monk was responsible for ringing the bell to hint monks got up and prayed. That time was also the time when the butcher got up, killed a pig. Day by day, the butcher accustomed to the bell then whenever the bell rang, he always got up to do his work.
One night, while an old monk was sleeping, a poor woman and five children appeared in his dream. They came front his face and kneeled down
“Please, save our lives! Save our lives”, said the woman.
The monk didn’t know what happened. He said:
“How can I save your lives.”
“Tomorrow, you only need ring the bell lately that will save our lives”, said the woman
The monk didn’t understand but he had no chance to ask the woman. The woman disappeared after saying. Although he didn’t understand he followed the woman’s works he didn’t request the young monk to ring the bell.
tale of dracane
About the butcher, he didn’t listen the ring so he had slept until the sun rose so hight. That was too late to butcher a pig. He was so angry that he sprinted to the pagoda, blamed for monks. Then the old monk said him about his strange dream.
The butcher didn’t believe his story but when he had landed his feet the pigsty he saw the pig he had bought to butcher had born five piglets.
Yes, the butcher now understood what the monk had said. He saw his hands the hands had killed so many lives. He felt so sorry that made him bring his knife, sprinted to the pagoda to apologize. He punctured his knife down the front yard of agoda and promised that he would never kill another pig.
Nobody knew what happened with the butcher after that but his knife transformed into a tree with red leaves. People now day call Dracaena.
The end.🎭🎭🎭
"Translated by Hung Nguyen"
List of Vietnamese fairy tales
