15. Thach Sanh and Ly Thong

Once upon a time, a woodcutter and his wife were over sixty years old but they had had not any children. Although they were sad, they still did good thing and hoped God would give them one child. At last, their kindness had come to King of heaven who requested his son to fly down and reincarnate to be the old couple’son. They had just enjoyed the happiness for a short time. Then, the old man died, before his son was born.
After that, the woman gave birth to a beautiful, strength boy. She named him Thach Sach. The poor boy grew up with no father then his mother also left after few years living with him. They only left him an ax and a pair of shorts. Day by day, he went to forest, cut tree, split them then took to market to get money. When he was thirteen, king of heaven forced his servants down to teach him magic and martial arts. Then they was back heaven, Thach Sanh continued living alone in the hut his parents lived.
thạch sanh
One day, a man, Ly Thong who sold alcohol passed the hut Thach Sanh was living he requested to take a nap in the hut. Ly Thong realized Thach Sach was a healthy, honest and very kind man so he wanted to make bother with him. Thach Sanh agreed to become his brother and to come his home to live.
That time, a huge snake which only ate human-meat to live was living in their region. The King of human had forced his soldier to attack it times but almost of them was killed. At last, the King had to accept to build it a temple and gave it one human a year. That year, Ly Thong was that poor man. He and his mother were so worry they didn’t know what to do but they realized something.
Waiting for Thạch Sanh come back from forest, Ly Thong held a meal for Thach Sanh and said: “My bother, today I have to go the Temple to clean but I also busied to distil alcohol. Could you help me to go instead? It is rather easy that you only need clean and stay at until sunrise.” Thach Sanh agreed without suspicion.
Midnight, the snake crept out to find sacrifice. It saw Thach Sanh and shot toward to kill him but Thach Sanh was a martial arts master. They have a terrible fighting. In the darkness, you could hear the voice of fallen-trees, ruin-walls, loudly bangs when Thach Sach’s ax punched on solid skin of snake, when the tail of snake whipped on the ground.
After hours, the snake had killed. Thach Sanh cut its head down and fired its body. From ashes appeared a gold archery. He took both the head and the archery went back to home. Hearing the voice of Thach Sanh, Ly Thong and his mother were frightened. They thought that is Thach Sanh’s soul was back to retaliate so they kneeled and conjured for forgiveness, they said:
”Thach Sach, When you was alive we treated you not bad. Now, you had died. Don’t hate me. Pleased, forgive me. I swear I will hold a funeral for you tomorrow." Thach Sand didn’t understand what they said and continued called them to open the door. They opened the door and realized he was alive. Thach Sanh said them that he had killed a huge snake. After hearing his whole story, Ly Thong had a idea, he want to rob Thach Sanh’s merits, he said: “Omg, it is the snake the King is feeding. Whoever that kill it will be The King punished. Hurry, hurry up. You must hide now. I will manage. When things sink I will call you back brother.”
Thach Sanh believed Ly Thong, he ran toward the forest, back to his hut and waiting for Ly Thong. After Thach Sanh left, Ly Thong took the head came to the castle, and gave the King. The King was happy and gifted for him so much money.
One day, as Quynh Nga who was the King’s daughter was walking in the garden, a giant eagle flew down from the sky and brought her away. The eagle flew cross the hut where Thach Sanh now was living. Thach Sanh saw that eagle so he shot a arrow. The arrow stuck on the eagle’s left wing but it took the arrow out by its beak and continued flying.
Thach Sanh followed blood dropped on the ground and found out a cave where the eagle lived. He ticked on the entrance of cave them he came back his hut.
After the princess was taken, the King was worry. He forced Lý Thông had to find out where was princess and to take her back safely. She said him that if Lý Thông took the princess safely he would let him marry with princess but if he didn’t, he would be killed. Lý Thông was worry. He held a festival to collect information about eagle. After that, Thạch Sanh came to the festival. He met Lý Thông and said him that the eagle was shot and was hidden in a cave that he ticked. Lý Thông was so happy he treated Thạch Sanh a big meal the asked him to lead him to the cave.
After arrived the cave, Thach Sanh dropped down a rope and followed down the cave. He met the princess and gave her a jar of dream poision, talked her let the eagle drink. The eagle fell in dream at immediately. Thach Sanh tired the princess by the rope the, shook it to hint Ly Thong pulled up. As the princess was on the ground Ly Thong made his servants took her came up castle and pretended that he stayed to fight with the eagle but he forced his servants took stones, threw down to fill the cave then he went back the castle to marry with princess.
Thach Sach, in other hand, was waiting for Ly Thong but Ly Thong had never gone back. Further, the eagle had woken up, didn’t see the princess it roared madly and sprinted to attack Thach Sanh. The eagle was injured so Thach Sach had killed him after short time. The entrance was filled so he had to find another. He found around and met the son of the God of water who was confined in the cave. He let him out. To thanks Thach Sanh the son of God of water invited him came under the sea.
Stay in the sea, Thach Sanh was treated very good. Before he left, God of water girted him very much treasure but he did take, he only took a monochord to play as he was lonely and a magical cooking pot.
That time, souls of the snake and the eagle was wandering. They met each other and planed to steal treasure in the castle and threw at the hut where Thach Sanh was staying. Thach Sanh was caught, detained and was waiting to be judged. Meanwhile, Ly Thong who was responsible for the adjudication planned to kill Thach Sanh. So sad, Thach Sanh playing the monochord it generated plaintively voice as thought it was talking sin of Ly Thong and blamed the princess didn’t keep her promise when they was in the cave.
The voice came to princess who was muted since she didn’t see Thach Sanh came back. She was suddenly cured and talked his father to meet who was playing monochord. As she met Thach Sanh she broke into sobs because of happiness then she talked the king whole story. So angry the king forced his soldier to kill Ly Thong but Thach Sanh who felt sorry for them prayed to let them live. They was allowed to come back but as they was on the road which led to their home, they was thunderstruck. They died and was transformed in to maybugs to price for what they had done.
The King allowed Thach Sanh to marry with the princess. That news came to princes of 18 neighbor country. They was angry because the had come to propose the princess to many time and was refused. They led soldiers come to attack. The king made Thach Sanh to fight against. Thach Sanh took his monochord and played. It made a voice as though a admonitions came to soldiers’s ear that made them lost violence so nobody want to fight. They gave up and prayed to have some food before leaving.
Thach Sanh took his magical cooking pot and cooked for them. Front surprise eyes of all them he took out rice again and again from the little pot, give them. This cooking pot was so amazing. It was full immediately after it was over. After fulling, they thanks to Thach Sanh and came back.
Thach Sanh married with the princess and became the heir of the king. They live happily until they died
The end.🎭🎭🎭
 "Translated by Hung Nguyen"

List of Vietnamese fairy tales
