42. Not yet been a mandarin, daring to threaten others

Once upon a time, a small village had a poor student but study very good. He got Gods’ noticing. Gods had written in fate-note that he would pass contests then would be a powerful mandarin. The village had a temple where was abode of a god. The god had seen fate note so he always respected him. Whenever the student went cross the temple the god always stood up and bowed his head although the student didn’t see.
One day, temple keeper was sleeping he saw the god appeared and said that: “Tomorrow you have to clean the temple, a powerful mandarin will come.”
The temple keeper did and he also stood at temple gate entire day to wait the guest but he only saw a poor student who came to take a rest. The temple keeper thought that was a normal person so he didn’t pay attention.
Not yet been a mandarin, daring to threaten others
Days latter, the god appeared in dream of the temple keeper again and said like the before time. That time he also saw no more than the the student. The student spoke a poem then he left. But the temple keeper still didn’t think the powerful mandarin the good had said was the student. Until the third time the god appeared and all things, another time, happened as before times. That time he believed the student was exactly the powerful mandarin. Then he said to the student about his dreams.
“God have said me three times so I believe you will pass contests and be a powerful mandarin.”, he said
After hearing each word of the temple keeper the student believed that he will pass the contests. He dreamed, dreamed about his future his luxury life. Then, he thought about his wife his wife had very little beauty. He dreamed about a wife who had beauty as the moon. He thought: “When I am mandarin women will surround closely so I should get my wife left and I will have another, beautiful and maybe noble.”
The next day, he had an argument with his wife and insisted to leave. People ridiculed him but he ignored them.
One day, a person went to get refunds the student had borrowed him but when he just had set his foot on the student’s garden. The student pointed at his face and shouted: “I will refund you latter. You should know maybe I will build my house on your garden.”(New mandarins were allowed to get a hectare of land wherever they wanted).
His mentality was changed, being arrogant. He threatened people who made him fell unpleasant.
“I will punish you.”, he said.
Of course, all actions he had done were observed by gods and they were reported to king of gods. The king was unpleasant. Therefore, he ordered fate-note keeper to rewrite.
Shortly after, the god appeared one more time in the dream of the temple keeper. That time he said to the temple keeper: “You don’t need to be polite to the student the fate note was rewritten he will not pass contests.”
“Why?”, said the temple keeper.
“He has become bad. He divorced his wife who had lived with him although he was a poor student. He became arrogant though he still hasn’t passed contests. He has never been a mandarin but he became the bad man. That is too bad.”, said the god. The god disappeared.
Course, the student couldn’t pass any contest. He also couldn’t remarry to his wife. he lived lonely in increasing poor life.
So people said:
“Not yet been a mandarin, daring to threaten others.”
The end.🎭🎭🎭
 "Translated by Hung Nguyen"

List of Vietnamese fairy tales
